Sunday, January 17, 2010

Long Overdue

So here is my Christmas post...a few weeks late. Sorry!

.A little background.

We've always spent one year with my mom's side of the family for Christmas, and the next with my dad's. My mom's side Christmas would be spent at her parents' house in Richmond, and my dad's would be spent with his mom in the country. Both were wonderful in different ways. About 5 years ago my dad's mom got sick, so we started celebrating at our house in Richmond. About 2 years later my mom's mom got sick...you get the picture. So Christmas was spent at our house in Richmond every year.

Don't get me wrong, I love being able to stay home...
...sleep in my own bed...
...spend time with my friends...
...drive my car...
...snuggle my dog...

But having Christmas at home is no walk in the park. I have been raised by two perfectionists (to put it lightly), which makes entertaining a huuuuuge ordeal.
...That's not an insult...
...Just an observation...

Our 'events' are always quite formal.

Everything is in its place.
The table is set days in advance.
Outfits are planned.
Dinner is served on time.

So let's just say that the week or so leading up to any event is not too fun.
Keep your distance!!!

But this year, a welcomed change took place.
We went to my mom's brothers for Christmas.
It was wonderful!!

There were things that I missed (mainly Sully), but it was such a stress free holiday!
...We relaxed...
...Enjoyed the time spent together...
...Ate way too much...
...Stayed in our PJs much too late...

It was so fun!

.Knitting was learned.

.Much needed gifts were given.
(if you couldn't tell by the expression on my brother's face, this present was long overdue. let's just say that I caused us to miss a few turns on the trip up to PA)

.Embarrassing moments were had.
(my new shoes were a liiiiittle too big)

.Drinks were poured.
(maybe a few too many)

.Solo's were performed.
(embarrassing a few, impressing many)

And our time in Pennsylvania was ended with some pancakes.

.I'm not so sure he should have been given that spatula.
(ahem, this is the first time I've ever seen him cook...and that was his itty bitty pancake on the griddle. in the picture he was explaining to us that it was his 'test pancake' mmmmhmmmm...)

So we packed up and left PA after a great stay!

There was more Christmas to be celebrated in good 'ole VA.

.That little devil is my nephew, love him.

.And I loved that he loved my gift this year.

And the best part...

.Was being reunited with my boy.

.And my girl too, of course.

I hope you all had an equally wonderful holiday!!

Now bring on summer!!!!!

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