..Be more optimistic..
This is a huge one for me. I'm a pessimist. I can't help it, I get it from my dad (a common excuse for me). But it is something that I know I can work on. I think it's best to have a healthy balance of both. In other words, if you've ever watched The Middle (if you haven't, you should!) I'm not aiming to have the optimism of Sue.
..Stop Procrastinating..
This one's a tough one for me. As I already mentioned in this post, I have a procrastination problem. A huge procrastination problem. Which explains why I've graduated with no job. And seem to have no motivation to look for one. Basically, I have trouble biting the bullet and getting work done. That needs to change. And will.
..Be More Active..
It's time for this one...actually way past time. I'm putting it as 'being active' because I think for me to actually follow through with it, I need a lifestyle change. I need to walk more and drive less. I need to get a gym membership. I need to walk my dog more often (instead of just taking him to the dog park). Luckily, my parents live in the city, so I can easily work on becoming more active. I also think that if I can make it a routine, it will be a much easier transition.
..Discover a New Place..
..Become a Better Cook..
..Try a New Food..
..Go to Church..
I hope you all had a wonderful New Year
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